What is the H2Brasil project?

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As the planet unites to contain the climate crisis and achieve the goals set in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, green hydrogen (H2V) appears as a key player in replacing fossil fuels and decarbonizing the economy.

In this scenario, Brazil stands out for offering unique conditions to produce green hydrogen and its derivatives: climate – quality and quantity of sun and wind, low cost of renewable energy, installed infrastructure of ports and transport logistics. Besides, the country can play an important role as an exporter to the international market and develop the domestic market, using H2V in its several applications.

This is how H2Brasil, a project of the Brazil-Germany Cooperation for Sustainable Development, came about. The project is implemented by GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), with support from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Its main goal is to support the expansion of the green hydrogen market and derivative products in Brazil, contributing to the decarbonization of difficult to reduce sectors such as heavy transportation, the fertilizer industry, metallurgy, and steelmaking, for example.

Through investments and actions, H2Brasil operates through work fronts:

Structuring conditions

This H2Brasil front works to improve the structuring conditions and the regulatory framework to support the expansion of the green hydrogen market in Brazil. 


Another front of action of H2Brasil works to create a broad base of knowledge and information in Brazil about the importance of green hydrogen and its derivatives for decarbonization, contributing to curb the climate crisis, innovation in the Brazilian industry and the creation of a solid national market.

Training and Human Resources

This work front acts to strengthen and prepare the human and technical capacities of Brazilian actors in professional education and higher education in the field of H2V/PtX to support the growth of the Brazilian domestic market – always focusing on the inclusion of young people and women.


Innovation and the development of new ideas and technologies for the green hydrogen value chain are the focus of H2Brasil’s fourth front, whose main objectives are to accelerate high-impact businesses and projects and strengthen the Brazilian innovation ecosystem in the subject of green hydrogen (H2)/PtX, with emphasis on partnerships and support for Research, Development & Innovation (PDI) projects.

Expansion of the H2V market

The fifth front of operation of the H2Brasil project aims to promote the economic viability and improvement of the green hydrogen/PtX industry and its applications in Brazil.


H2Uppp is the action front of H2Brasil that aims to identify, prepare and monitor the implementation of projects for the production and use of green hydrogen applications and derivatives, as well as to raise awareness and transfer knowledge for project development.

To make all this possible, H2Brasil works with the support of Brazilian and German universities, companies, industries, the public sector, civil society organizations and the Brazil-Germany Alliance for Green Hydrogen, composed by the Brazil-Germany Chambers of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

All H2Brasil actions take into account the inclusion of people, qualification and professional development, income and jobs creation, regional development from north to south of the country, the development of new technologies, the promotion of science and academic research, the promotion of interactions between Brazilian companies and industries and environmental conservation through sustainable actions.

Featured activities


Green Hydrogen Application Summit fomentou networking e troca de experiências entre empresários da indústria siderúrgica, química, mobilidade e energia.

O evento, inédito no Brasil, foi uma realização do projeto H2Brasil e da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Brasil-Alemanha do Rio de Janeiro (AHK Rio).

Structuring conditions

O Brasil já conta com uma certificação de hidrogênio de baixo carbono. O lançamento foi promovido pela Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica (CCEE) em dezembro, por meio de cerimônia virtual.


No âmbito da Smarter E South America em São Paulo, o H2Brasil, E2Brasil e a Parceria Energética Brasil-Alemanha, projetos implementados pela Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) no Brasil, realizaram no dia 24 de agosto, o evento “Brasil-Alemanha: Soluções Inovadoras para Sistemas de Armazenamento de Energia e Hidrogênio Verde (H2V)”.


O H2Global é o primeiro leilão em duas etapas para a promoção da economia do hidrogênio fora da Europa. O HINT.CO, entidade coordenadora do leilão, lançou, em meados de 2022, uma consulta pública para os termos de referência. Recentemente, as propostas recebidas foram consolidadas e a entidade lançou o edital relativo ao leilão de amônia.

Expansion of the green hydrogen market

Feira & Congresso internacional de fornecedores de tecnologias, materiais, componentes e soluções para a cadeia produtiva do hidrogênio, célula a combustível e descarbonização, acontecerá nos dias 20 e 21 de junho de 2023 no Centro de Exposições Expo Mag, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Expansion of the green hydrogen market

Uma das principais alavancas do avanço do hidrogênio verde como energético da descarbonização mundial poderá ser os leilões de governos europeus para a contratação de energia.

Expansion of the green hydrogen market

A UNIFEI (Universidade Federal de Itajubá) e o projeto H2Brasil, que integra a Cooperação Brasil-Alemanha para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, estão construindo o CH2V (Centro de Hidrogênio Verde) na cidade mineira que vai testar a aplicação do H2V (hidrogênio verde) na indústria.


O webinar gratuito foi promovido pela Câmara Brasil-Alemanha de São Paulo (AHK São Paulo) em parceria com a Cooperação Brasil-Alemanha pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentável, por meio projeto H2Brasil, implementado pela GIZ, e reuniu mais de 400 participantes na transmissão ao vivo. A gravação está disponível no canal da instituição no YouTube.

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